The year is drawing to its end. Its time you start thinking about the year, how it was, which were your best days, when did you had the best laugh, when did you eat the most delicious food, when were you amazed, when were you sad, when did you think you can’t take anymore but you still made it? And it’s also the time you get to know these stories from your friends and family. So this New Year’s Eve plans a party with some exciting and jocund games for a fun and frolicsome New Year’s Eve. Get to know your people better, their happiness, their ups and downs and so much more. Play some amazing games with them. Here is a list of my favorite games you can play for New Year’s Eve and have a thrilling midnight hour. The thrill, the excitement, the laughter, the mirth and of course the mystery midnight kiss, this list has it all.
Fun games for New Year Eve’s party
- Guessing each other’s resolutions: This is a wonderful game which you can play with your gang for New Year’s Eve. Ask your guests to write down their resolutions on a piece of paper and keep it all in a bowl. Now rotate the bowl and ask a person to pick up a paper and read aloud what’s written in it. The game is that the person who has the paper has to guess that the resolution belongs to whom.
- Catch the lies: This game is a pleasant alternative to the above guessing the resolution game. Ask each guest to list down two resolutions. One of them has to be a lie. And then follow the same pattern and whoever gets the paper has to say the resolution belongs to whom and which is a false resolution of the two.
- The year memoirs: Print small papers with little personal questions printed on each one of them. Like when was the time you wished you’d die or the time when you felt irritated in the most in the year? The list is endless. You can print any questions you want to know about your friends and keep all the pieces of paper in a bowl. Circulate the bowl and play music. Stop the music abruptly and whoever lands up with the bowl has to pick out a piece of paper and answer the question printed on it. There is no better way you’ll get to know your guests better than this game, moreover, it’ll help you bond on a more personal note.
- Cats out of the bags: Write interesting adult questions and distribute half of them between the ladies in your parties and the remaining half between the men. Now the game is to answer the questions written on the paper. It will get personal and shall be damn hilarious. A perfect adult game for an adult party.
- The ultimate Casanova: A perfect adult game. Hand out some questions about the ladies in the party to the men. The questions can be like the favorites of the ladies or some trivia about their lives. You have to read out the question and whoever is able to answer the most about a woman gets to kiss her at the stroke of the midnight hour. This is a wonderful way to help bond your friends on the last day of the year.
- Incognito hacker: This is a wonderful game. Ask your guests to write down the names of their favorite celebrities on a piece of paper. Now hand them a tape and ask them to stick these notes on the forehead of the person sitting right to them. Make sure that nobody gets to know the name of the celebrity being stuck on the forehead. Now the game is that everyone has to identify the name of the celebrity stuck on their forehead by the reaction of the rest of the guests. It’s a hilarious game in which your friends shall love and rejoice.
- The Play of Words: Ask your friends to make out words from New Year-related words and phrases. You have to make a list of the words they can use. Whoever is able to come up with a maximum number of new words is the winner of the game. If you're looking for killer warzone hacks? You can find many tips online.
- Dance partners: A wonderful idea to get everyone on the dance floor is to make them pair up with different people and help them bond over a song. Write down the lyrics of your favorite hit songs on a piece of paper and tear the paper into two. Now place all of these paper bits in a bowl. Ask your guests to choose a piece. And whoever is able to complete the lyrics of the song becomes dance partners for the evening. This game is a perfect icebreaker for your party and can be used to get the dance floor rolling!
So these were my list of favorite games which you can play for your New Year Eve’s party and welcome 2018 on a wonderful happy note. Tell me more about your fun games and stories of New Year Eve’s parties, I’d love to know them!