It’s something we’re all chasing, but it is difficult to achieve in our modern world – a good work/life balance. So, how can you set about achieving it? We have put together five top tips to help you in your mission to achieve a good work/life balance.
1. Plan Your Time
Unfortunately, we only have a finite amount of time. This means that any extra time you spend working comes at the expense of your personal time.
Balancing the two takes good discipline, but it also takes planning. You know yourself and your work, so you need to give an honest opinion of how much time needs to be dedicated to each aspect of your life.
Once you know what kind of balance you want to achieve, then you can start planning how you are going to achieve it.
2. Stick to Your Work Hours
It’s all well and good planning your time, but it doesn’t mean much if you don’t stick to the hours you choose.
Of course, there are some times when you have to work more than you intended, but it certainly shouldn’t be all the time. If you’ve set a realistic schedule, then you should be able to stick to the hours more often than not.
Working longer hours doesn’t necessarily mean you get more done, so when you set work hours, stick to them unless there’s an extremely good reason not to.
3. Delegate
If there’s one way to free up time, then it’s to allow other people to take care of things for us. Obviously, this option isn’t available to everyone, but if it is available to you, then you should be taking advantage of it.
Many people struggle with delegating because it means giving up control, but it’s important to trust the people around us and allow them to take on responsibility. It’s easy to put all the pressure on ourselves and think we’re the only ones who can do these jobs, but you might find it’s more than possible to spread the load.
4. Make the Basic Jobs More Simple
There are lots of things that go into running a business, and it’s often the small details that can take up most of your time.
Dealing with things such as insurance should be simple, but often it can take much more time than it needs to. For the basics, such as when you update motor trade insurance, make sure you’re working with a provider where you know you’re going to get great service and the right price.
If you are busy and don't have spare time to shop for your insurance needs, getting the help of an independent insurance company like G&G is your best option. The friendly and professional agents will do the shopping for you so you can get the most affordable one with the best coverage.
You’ve got enough to worry about without these extras, so make sure you’re working with professionals who are going to get you the right deal.
5. Make Sure You’re in the Right Mind Set
It can be difficult, but it’s important to try not to let what’s happened in one area of your life spill into the other. Of course, it’s almost impossible to achieve this all the time, but one area of your life can provide the escape you need from the other area of your life.
If work is tough, then try and leave it at the office, and if your home life has been difficult, then take solace in your work.