Kid's Bedroom Feng Shui is a design philosophy that aims to achieve harmony and balance in any household by arranging the various aspects of space, color, form, line, and texture that influence our daily life. It works on the principle that a child's bedroom is a place of calm and restful imagination, where he spends most of his waking hours away from the turmoil of the outside world. Therefore there must be harmony and balance between the elements such as light, shade, shape, form, and material, which influence his mind. The bedroom should be designed so that there is enough space for him to move about and get rid of all the tensions that may come from having too many people in it.

Feng Shui Factors
- There are many factors that should be considered while designing the Kid'sKid's Bedroom Feng Shui, such as the bed's position, size, and layout, the materials that should be used to construct the bed position of doors, and windows, etc.
- You can also include plants and trees, curtains or blinds on the bed, flooring, and other accessories to give the desired effect. You can even incorporate specific themes and symbols in the bedroom to give it a pleasant look. For instance, if you have a dragon or tiger painted on the bed, this will significantly affect your kids' bedroom and improve their happiness and sense of security.
- Other than the designs, you can also incorporate particular objects like clocks, lamps, mirrors, and fans to give a friendly atmosphere to the room.
- The room should always be kept clean at all times. You can paint it with bright colors to make it look more lively and attractive. Place furniture and accessories in a proper arrangement so that there is sufficient room for movement and free-thinking. Also, make sure to implement perfect mattress sizes for large families. If you follow these tips while designing the kid's bed, then the effect will be excellent.
Feng Shui Do's & Don'ts For Kid's Bedroom
The bedroom of your child is an important place for him. This is the place where you spend a lot of time together, even more so than in the living room. Thus, it is essential to make the room child's bedroom appealing and unique. When decorating your kid's bedroom, there are some dos and don'ts that you should follow. If you wish to find out more about kids' mattresses be sure to check out
- First, when selecting furniture, pick the bed that best suits the size and shape of your child's room. Don'tDon't forget to consider his room decor as well. Make sure that the colors and themes that you will be using in your bedroom will complement the furniture that you will be buying.
- It is also essential to provide your child with a safe and warm place. This is usually the bedroom. You must see through the bedroom, so you better have light coming in from at least two sides of the room.
- Another thing to consider is the texture and color of the bed. For sure, your kid loves colorful beds. But, it would help if you also avoid those that have rough and stiff mattresses. Instead, choose a bedroom with softer and soft mattresses.
- Meanwhile, the design of the kid's bedroom is also essential. This is an area where he spends most of his time sleeping or when playing. Thus, it is necessary to provide him with a comfortable and cozy room. Provide your kids with room decorations such as clocks, paintings, and murals.
- Make sure that the furniture is easy to clean and maintain. In cleaning the room, you can use a vacuum cleaner or simply just a mop. Make sure that the fabric of the bed coverings is washable and durable. The curtains are another great accessory to use. It would be great if you had curtain rods with hooks so you can hang them in the various positions you want.
- Your kid's bed can be made from several materials such as wood, plastic, and iron. Although it is hard to believe, some people prefer metal beds for their kid's beds. You can choose whatever type of material you like. Just make sure that it will last longer and will not easily break because of rough usage.
- If you are furnishing the room of your kid who just turned two years old, you may want to buy a playpen for your kid's bed. There are many designs to choose from, which will give your kid a place where he can play or use his imagination. You can also use a cot table next to his bed to create an extra table for his overnight activities. Or, you can add a few rocking chairs in his room.
- For bigger kids, it will still be okay to use crib-style furniture. You can choose an attractive set of high-quality beds that can be used until he is a teenager. Or, you can put some matching day beds in his room. This will give him a nice-looking collection of furniture that will surely complement the rest of the room.
On the other hand, you can also choose to put the furniture that will allow him to move around when he becomes an adult. A bunk bed can be a perfect choice for your child. It comes with a ladder on the side to climb up to a higher bed without disturbing his siblings. But, make sure that the bed gives extra comfort and more space.· Finally, decide how you will furnish the kid's bed. Some parents furnish it according to the age of their child. This means, the younger the child, the more expensive his bed will be. However, you do not have to worry about this as there is also crib-like furniture for kids sold in the market today. The crib-like bed can even accommodate a toddler who is still a little bit fragile.
Do not worry about the price of your kid's bedroom furniture. As long as you know how to shop wisely, you will find great items for your kid at an affordable price. You can go to garage sales and try to pick up pieces for your kid at very low prices. Also, there are online stores that offer great kid's bedroom furniture for great prices. You can compare the specifications so you will get the best table for your little one.