You can tell someone you love them a thousand times, but they may not believe you. Some people have “words” as a love language. Some have “touch” as a love language. Here’s a list of the varying recognized “love languages” of today. Regardless of whether you’re speaking their “language”, collaterally, you can communicate your love through gestures. Following we’ll briefly explore several families of gestures you can explore to communicate how much you care about your girlfriend or boyfriend.

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1. Preparing Dinner, or Doing Household Chores
Making meals is a chore, and it’s tiresome. If you make your wife or girlfriend a meal when she doesn’t expect it, she’s likely going to like that—provided she’s not in the middle of some long-term chore, that is. Speaking of chores, like paying taxes or spring cleaning, if you do those for her, she’ll love it; especially if she doesn’t have to ask you. The same goes for him.
It may seem strange today, but cooking and cleaning are not things men can reasonably expect out of a lady in 2022. In older times, this was the assumption; but not today. So you might show you care by adopting those roles, if briefly.
2. Mixing and Matching: Find Inspiration, Coupled With Flowers
Another thing you might want to do is explore varying expressions of love as outlined in the link. Surprises, compliments, and reassurances are very helpful. She likely wants to be reassured that you care. She wants to hear it, and she wants to see it.
Career support is a big one here. Also, coupling such affirmation words with flowers can drive the message home.
3. Fighting Their Battles For Them
Relationships tend to have a symbiotic nature to them. That means where one partner is strong, the other is weak, and vice versa. So you might go out and fight some of her battles. If she’s dealing with a problematic coworker, you might take them aside and fix the problem. If she has trouble with vehicular mechanical issues, you might do the work so she doesn’t have to. If he’s really nervous in social situations, then you take point so he doesn’t feel continuously embarrassed. Figure out where they have something lacking that you do not, and fill the gap.
4. Listening, and Acting
Maybe she says something about some green tapestry with a band name on it from when she was a teenager. Find that same banner or tapestry online and surprise her with it one day when she least expects it. Maybe she can tolerate cinnamon but hates it. Get all cinnamon and cinnamon products out of the house.
Listen to what she says expecting a response, and what she says with no expectation of a response. Then surprise her by showing you were listening. It’s the same for him; though do be careful. Guys often say things just to say things, and you might read too much into it.
Showing Rather Than Telling
Listen, act, fight his or her battles, mix and match inspirational moves (don’t forget the flowers), make them a meal, and do unwanted chores without them having to ask. These are all great ways of showing, rather than telling, how much you love your significant other.