There is a saying that everyone needs a hobby, and it is true. Finding something that interests you and takes your mind away from work and everyday stress is a must for your mental health.
For most people, this can be just turning on the TV or firing up the PC or cell phone. However, it is far better to get yourself a hobby that involves you moving around and causes your body to release the good endorphins into your brain to give you a real feel-good factor.
#1 Taking part in team sports
There are plenty of team sports that are good for your mental health, but your participation in them will depend more on your overall fitness. However, there are some others that are more relaxing but will give you an element of fitness if you are in your twilight years and not overly fit. These are sports such as bowls or croquet; both are seen to be gentle games. However, if you do not fall into this bracket, there are games such as cricket, tennis, and squash, which are still gentler on the body than football, soccer, and rugby.
#2 A more solo approach
Of course, you can take a more solo approach if you do not like the prospect of playing in a team or are struggling to find a club near you to attend and play golf. When it comes to golf, it does not really matter whether you are playing against someone or whether you are out on the course by yourself and working on your form or decreasing your handicap; the game can be enjoyed.
There are plenty of golf clubs dotted all over the globe, but if you are unlucky enough not to live near one or are a little bit shy about wandering around a golf club on your own, there is the added bonus of being able to play the game indoors. If you have an area big enough, you can Shop Indoor Golf and get yourself an optishot 2 golf simulator that will enable you to work on your swing and even have you playing a virtual golf course in the comfort of your own home.
#3 Taking your hobby when you travel
Indeed, all the options could very well feel tame to someone with an adventurous heart, whereby the lure of rock climbing, hiking across different countries, or taking up other extreme sports could tick the box very well.
Although there are special sites that offer climbing walls to those that just do not want to keep their feet on the ground, these can be very samey, and taking a selfie or having someone take a photo of you when you reach the top just doesn’t have the same effect either for you or your audience as when you are on top of a mountain with stunning views for a natural backdrop.
Not only this, but you also get the excitement of traveling to different destinations to find your perfect mountain or rock face to conquer.