Standing desks may be the newest office trend, but is standing on your feet for hours really healthier than taking some weight off your feet? Some people swear that they work better standing, whereas others find it stressful or uncomfortable. If you’re considering getting an office standing desk or a sit-stand desk, there are several things you should consider before making any purchases, so here are some of the pros and cons of each.

Standing: Pros
Standing increases blood flow and enables healthier circulation, and if you’re trying to lose weight, standing is preferable since you burn more calories while standing. Also, the brain stays more alert while the body is active, so standing could increase productivity and keep your mind sharp. Standing also allows for more flexibility and adjustability than sitting, and if you are frequently coming in and out of the office, you’ll save time if you don’t have to pull your chair in and out.
Standing: Cons
For some people, standing for extended periods of time can be uncomfortable, perhaps even dangerous. If you have joint pain or blood circulation problems, you shouldn’t be standing for sustained periods of time. You can also be more easily distracted while standing, so if you need to closely focus on your work, standing might not be the best option for you.
From a practical perspective, finding a desk with the right height can also be an issue if you decide to work standing. There are some adjustable desks that allow you to alternate between sitting and standing, but if you don’t have the money for one of these, you’ll have to find a height adjuatble desk online that’s suitable for standing. If you aren’t used to standing for long periods of time, you should ease into the switch. Don’t start by standing all day in your office as soon as you get a standing desk. Instead, try gradually shifting to a standing regime by standing for half-hour intervals.
Sitting: Pros
At some point or another, we all need to sit down. Most people find sitting more relaxing than standing, and standing for hours at a time can cause fatigue, foot and ankle swelling, and muscle pain. For activities such as reading, sitting is certainly preferable to standing since it is more comfortable for passive activities. Sitting properly can also help you improve posture and avoid chronic back pain, and if you are sitting for too long, there are simple exercises that you can do from your chair to keep your blood flowing, such as stretching your neck from one side to the other for extended periods of time or rotating your ankles.
Sitting: Cons
Sitting for too long will make your muscles stiff and restrict blood flow, so even if you spend most of the time sitting, you should stand up every once in a while to get your blood pumping, and when you sit, you need to make sure you are sitting with proper posture and using a good chair, such as an ergonomic chair. Cheap, ordinary chairs aren’t designed for long working hours, and chairs with a flat backrest can cause back pain and put pressure on your spine, so if you decide for sit, investing in a quality chair will make you work more efficiently and ensure that you’re comfortable and happy while you work.
Even so, sitting for too long can be dangerous, and several studies have shown a correlation between earlier death and sitting, though sitting for several hours a day won’t kill you. In fact, the body is much calmer when sitting than while standing, so if you have some important decisions to make and need a clear mind, it’s probably best to take a seat while you think things over.
What’s Right For You
The jury is still out on which is ultimately better, but at the end of the day, the important thing is that you are comfortable in your workspace, and if you find standing helps you be more productive, then investing in an adjustable or higher desk might be a good option for you, but if you find you work the best sitting, then it’s probably worth your money to make sure you’ve invested in a good ergonomic chair, and even if you prefer to spend most of your time standing, every once in a while we all need to take a load off our feet and sit.
It may be a good idea to have both a standing desk and a sitting desk. If you are short on budget, you can always create a DIY corner desk.